News for Dec. 10, 2004
For those looking for information on New York...this is the PD for you! Not to be bogged down with filming in modern day New York City,
Peter Jackson has created New York on one of the biggest sets ever seen. Hutt Valley is slowly turning into the Big Apple, complete with Broadway, Times Square, and Macy's! On top of that, the most detailed computer model of NYC has been created using cutting edge technology, and you have New York in New Zealand! This production diary blew me away! Take a look at the New York extras! Alan Lee working with PJ! Broadway..or 55th street...or it is Broadway? The digital Manhattan island! Ignatz...Ignatz? Amazing! [
QT6 240x132px 10Mb] [
QT4 320x176px 20Mb] [
QT6 480x264px 25Mb] [
Bit Torrents!]
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