News for Aug. 02, 2005
Post Production Diary - Pick Ups Day 4
8/02/05, 9:33 pm EST - Xoanon
A day in the life of a glorified featured extra! Jed Brophy shows us what a typical day is for him while Peter Jackson is on his 4th day of Pick Up shooting on King Kong. Jed, along with Matthew Chamberlain, Lee Hartley and others give us the absolutely amazing details of the most action-packed day ever! Be sure to not miss Andy Serkis, a quick shot of Jack Black and Adrien Brody (still in that cage) and porridge...lots of porridge! [QT6 240x132px 7Mb] [QT4 320x176px 12Mb] [QT6 480x264px 16Mb] [Bit Torrents!]
Email us your questions and PJ may answer them in a future Post Production Diary!
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