News for Sep. 23, 2005
Post Production Diary - 12 Weeks To Go
9/23/05, 9:17 pm EST - Xoanon
With 12 weeks to go the color grading department is working full tilt on getting the right 'look' of the film. Color grading, used almost throughout 'Lord of the Rings' is an interesting process, we get to see some great examples of how it works on a few scenes with Naomi Watts, Colin Hanks & Adrien Brody. On the pure fanboy side of things we get to see some great (if small) shots from the film! Skull Island, New York, the Venture and more! Take a look! [QT6 240x132px 7Mb] [QT4 320x176px 14Mb] [QT6 480x264px 17Mb] [Bit Torrents!]
Email us your questions and PJ may answer them in a future Post Production Diary!
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