News for Oct. 14, 2005
Post Production Diary - 9 Weeks To Go
10/14/05, 12:41 pm EST - Xoanon
Alex Funke takes us on a tour of the miniatures stages, still in full swing with only 9 weeks to go before the movie is released. Alex gives us some fascinating insights into making miniature shots look 'real', while they are real in the technical sense, they are after all only miniatures, and some work needs to be done to give them that sense of scale. Some great SFX shots here of The Wall, and Skull Island in general, look at that fire scene...wonder what is going on there! [QT6 240x132px 7Mb] [QT4 320x176px 13Mb] [QT6 480x264px 16Mb] [Bit Torrents!]
Email us your questions and PJ may answer them in a future Post Production Diary!
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