News for Oct. 29, 2005
Post Production Diary - 7 Weeks To Go
10/29/05, 12:43 pm EST - Xoanon
With 7 weeks to go we are shown 'The Mix' Part 1 featuring Chris Boyes, Ethan Van der Ryn, Michael Hedges & Michael Semanick. These 4 men are in charge of mixing Kong's sound together, the special effects, dialog and music all have to weave in and out to form a cohesive mix of sound that is both pleasing to the audience, and effective enough to work alongside with the visuals in the film. We get to see some great footage in all stages here, from finished work to blue-screen shots...and some great T-rex footage too! Take a look! [QT6 240x132px 6Mb] [QT4 320x176px 11Mb] [QT6 480x264px 14Mb] [Bit Torrents!]
Email us your questions and PJ may answer them in a future Post Production Diary!
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Please Note: Universal and Peter are still working hard to get 'PPD 8 Weeks' back online for us...stay tuned!