[Kik_announce] Xoanon Plays Ubisoft's King Kong!

Michael Regina (Xoanon) xoanon at theonering.net
Thu Oct 6 23:05:09 EDT 2005


Ubisoft was kind enough to send along a demo copy of their new King Kong PC
game. The demo offers 2 full scenes to play, an FPS (you play as Jack
Driscol) scene featuring a nasty T-Rex and a third person action scene where
YOU get to be Kong and save Ann Darrow from all sorts of nasty dinos!

I just finished the Kong option (I mean how can you RESIST playing as
Kong?!) and was blown away. The action is intense, and the battles are just
a sheer joy to partake in. You as the player are left in the middle of the
jungle with Ann in your hands and the rain pouring down around you, a T-Rex
immediately begins to take aim at you. Handy reference notes appear on the
screen to help you out at key moments in the game, and you will need them,
as the action is fierce!

Soon after dispatching the T-Rex (in classic Kong style, if you know what I
mean) you must make your way across the jungle using anything at your
disposal to travel, this really gets the adrenaline going as you begin to
swing through the jungle from tree to tree! Pterodactyls pounce on you, and
what seems like Raptors also try to take a bite out of your fur (which does
go flying at times!).

Stay tuned for some major Kong Game announcements this Friday, October 7th!

Michael Regina
Editor in Chief/Segment Producer
PH: 514.947.5221

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