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King Kong 2005 > Cast & Crew > Evan Parke

Colin Hanks as Preston

Evan Parke (Hayes)

DOB: 2 January 1968, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies
Height: 6' 3" (1.91 m)

Mini biography: Evan Parke has been acting professionally since graduating from the prestigious Yale School of Drama in 1997. Originally from Jamaica, West Indies, Parke grew up in Brooklyn and Long Island, New York. He realized he was destined to become an actor during his senior year in college while performing in the play Colored People's Time.

Past Roles:
"Dragnet" (2003) TV Series .... Det. Raymond Cooper (2003)
Second String (2002) (TV) .... Mumms
Nightstalker (2002) .... Lieutenant Mayberry
My Brother's Keeper (2002) (TV) .... Junior
Planet of the Apes (2001) .... Gunnar
Replacements, The (2000) .... Malcolm La Mont
"As the World Turns" (1956) TV Series .... Judge Blanchard (1999)
Cider House Rules, The (1999) .... Jack
"All My Children" (1970) TV Series .... Rafe (1997-1998)

Factoid: Parke was a recipient of the 1997 William and Eva Fox Foundation Fellowship, and he used the award to attend the New York Film Academy, with a focus on film producing.

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