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Another SKIIP bangs on a large log/drum

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Ann is dragged by the SKIIPs towards some unknown fate.

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Jack: "Find her!"

Jack frantically looks for Ann

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The walls of the ancient city are lit with fire in preparation for the sacrifice to Kong.

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Hayes (Evan Parke) leads a team of the Venture Crew to save Ann

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Ann: "Ahhhhhhh"

Ann is slowly lowered by the sacrifical apparatus. Notice the Skull shape on the wall.

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Jimmy: "Ms. Darrow!!!"

Jimmy yells. He's good at that

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Bruce: "Arrrrrrrr!!!!"

Bruce Baxter walks through a cave with a machine gun

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The creepy old lady, with bad teeth, shrieks with glee!

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Ann, bound in sacrifice, faces her doom.

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The closed eyes of King Kong.

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